Swank Wiki

Swank v0.04.04


Type: task
Description: Miscellaneous attachments (pdf, doc, etc)
Status: In Progress
Priority: 4


NO   ./attach/xyzzy.pdf (need an easy link)
NO   but if we call page.wiki somewhere else, relative link breaks
BECAUSE         tiny_mce image selector inserts absolute paths
DONE    page.attach --> show all attachments, upload, etc
                show all, even unknown extensions
                only images for image uploader
DONE    image list shows global images, or local attachments
DONE            show local attachment first in mce image selector
DONE    /page/attach/name.ext
DONE    type, name, size, version?, date, author, notes, keywords, description
        show on page list or not
DONE Put image selector all in one file
        still need to do thumbnails

    Unify attachments page and tinymce popup

* Versioning for attachments? also keywords, description, etc.  see /todo/64